Default Z-targeting is automatically set to HOLD by default.Biggoron has you wait 2 days instead of 3 to forge the Biggoron Sword.Fishing made easier by guaranteeing biting, but keeps the fish size RNG from the original game.Bombchu Bowling prizes now appear in fixed order instead of random (Rotation being: piece of heart, purple rupee, bomb bag capacity upgrade, bombs).The bunny hood now works like in Majora’s Mask boosting movement speed when worn.Farore’s Wind does not get dispelled through time travel and can be used independently by child and adult Link.An icon will appear over the rupee count when in proximity of a hidden grotto. Stone of Agony now works even without rumble.Rupee color of the rupee count indicator now changes in color to reflect the wallet upgrade possessed.D-PAD can be used to quickly access ocarina and iron/hover boots.This is similar to what happens in Majora’s Mask spider houses.

Collecting Gold Skulltulla Tokens no longer freezes the player but allows it to continue moving.Properly center the “Navi” text in the C-Up button.Fixed graves behaviour like in subsequent versions.